
Research Vision

Recent Motivation

No structure is indestructible. Time, environment, repeated use, and misuse all take their toll on everyday structures, taking advantage of their inherent weaknesses and bringing them closer to failure.  This is not the most comforting thought when walking onto an airplane, or driving over a bridge, but it is a reality that structural designers must face; how do you design something that you don’t want to fail while accepting that it eventually will? The answer is: very carefully!

The challenge structural engineers are faced with is as follows. First, they must understand the raw materials and the level of engineering already applied in their creation. Second, they need to synthesize material behaviour and required structural function into a working design. Third, compromises in the working design need to be made to address manufacturability. Finally, all of this must be completed while continually assessing the impact on the durability and longevity of the final structure.

In my research, I am interested in the above challenges and how to cope with them while maintaining the demands for safety and reliability in the aerospace sector. There are many new and inspiring technologies on our current horizon. Additive Layer Manufacturing (also known as 3D-printing), automated smart manufacturing technologies, structural health monitoring systems that can automatically detect problems before they become a real issue. All of these technologies are very promising and inspiring, but we cannot apply them without fully understanding their potential weaknesses. This is the domain of my research.


  • Fatigue & Damage Tolerance
  • Progressive Failure
  • Additive Layer Manufacturing (3D-printing)
  • Hybrid Materials
  • Biomimicry

Recent Highlights

  • Towards the Certification of Bonded Primary Fiber Metal Laminate Structures by Bolted Disbond Arrest Features

    Building off our earlier work on Disbond Arrest Features in bonded FML joints, this work examine the competition between disbond growth arrest and adherent fatigue crack initiation in bonded FML joints.

  • Energy Absorption of Additively Manufactured Lattices: On biomimetic abstraction of structural principles toward increased energy absorption in lattice structures

    Pomelo fruit have a complex graded cellular structre within their skin that protects the fruit when it drops from a tree. Can we learn from this example of nature and learn to exploit graded cellular structures in man made structures?

  • On the fatigue of lattice reinforced structures: towards tailoring damage tolerance through 3D-printing

    Both experimental and numerical studies have shown that the crack-bridging is one of the most significant mechanism contributing to the fracture toughness natural materials. This study aims to explore if lattice structures can be used to bridge fatigue cracks as well, thereby improving the fracture toughness of aerospace structures.

  • Disbond Arrest in Fibre Metal Laminate Bonded Joints

    The certification of bonded primary joints in aerospace remains elusive due to a lack in confidence in assuring a robust and defect free bondline. But what if we could ensure the presence of any potential defect would not be catastrophic to the joint design? This thesis examines this concept in the form of using selective mechanical fasteneing as a disbond arresting feature in bonded joints.

  • Fatigue crack growth behaviour of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V: studying the influence of build direction

    This MSc thesis, recently completed by Jef Michielssen, examined the influence of the orientation of the columnar grain structure in SLM Ti-6Al-4V on the fatigue crack growth behaviour. Please click on this highlight to see further information about the project and find a link to the resulting thesis.

  • Mode I fracture toughness testing of thermoplastic composites: Are thermoset standards sufficient?

    This M.Sc. thesis examines the suitability of Mode I fracture toughness test standards, developed based on experience with thermoset composites, for their use for thermoset composite materials.